Wednesday, March 7, 2012

game faces on

Even though I am one of the least competitive people you probably know and not very athletic, God has been using sports as a theme in my life recently in more ways than one!

First of all, there has been SO many opportunities for my team and I to meet kids and spend time with them thru sports this semester. After school at any given day you will find a Young Life leader in Escazu hanging out with students in athletic clothes, bonding over sports. God has used the talents and interests of sports as an avenue for us to meet and love on students.

Sydney, my fellow intern, has been assistant coaching the girls high school soccer team this year and they had their big international tournament last weekend. God showed up BIG time and allowed for some awesome things during their 4 day tournament together. It's a joy to serve alongside Syd the Kid and watch her love on these gals! GO Lady Panthers! They got 7th in case you were wondering :)

Alex, one of our staff girls, has been volunteering as a Cross Country coach and has been able to really get her foot in the door with students as they run up the steep hills of our neighborhood. This has been a long time prayer answered!

Jessie, my area director, has been the middle school girls soccer coach again this year and has shared a lot of time with these crazy chickadees. Jessie has gotten to share the love of Jesus Christ to them as these kids live in a harsh world in middle school. It's no doubt they feel very loved and accepted by Jessie.

Even though I'm not a coach for any of these activities, I enjoy being a fan :) Here are some pics from the stands at CDS girls soccer and at Luke and Ellie's tennis matches. (They are STELLAR tennis players. Like #1 in their age group in Costa Rica type stellar. So proud of them!)

My team and I have been studying the book of Nehemiah this semester. We are  gleaning a lot of wisdom from how Nehemiah leads his people in the midst of very challenging situations. While the Israelites were rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem they worked with one hand doing the work and they other holding a weapon to stay on guard against potential enemy attack. This picture of a community working hard for the Kingdom and spiritual growth (the wall was a very spiritual significance to them), ready and armed for the enemy attack became so real to our team. 
We have been really encouraged to "put our game faces on" (in more ways than one!) and really stand in the front lines for each other and our students in order to gain victory! Victory, not just on the soccer field, I'm talking victory in Christ. Winning kid's souls for the Kingdom (1 John 5:4-5). Pressing on through trials, enduring and gaining growth in our faith and character (James 1:2-4).

I have less than 100 days left in Costa Rica. So bitter-sweet. I got my game face on, ready on the front lines (and the side lines!) to combat the enemy, fervently remain in prayer, serve with the utmost of love, thank with all I got and ENJOY the fullness of God in this beautiful country with these beautiful people.

Don't miss this: ONLY through Jesus Christ can we be victorious. The Spirit will change hearts, I am just His tool. The Spirit will fight the enemy, I am just a vessel. God gets the glory in the victory, not me. For without the saving grace and love of Jesus Christ, my "game face" will amount to nothing.
John 16:33 "In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." -Jesus


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