Friday, February 3, 2012

gift of today

"How ridiculous to grasp for future gifts when today's is set before you! Receive today's gift gratefully, unwrapping it tenderly and delving into its depths. As you savor this gift, you find Me." -part of Feb. 3rd Jesus Calling devotional entry.

The above quote has rung so true in my life recently. I have found GOD when I bask in the gift He has given of today, and when I focus on the future and those things I want, yet do not have, my joy is gone and God seems far. The first couple weeks back in the Rica there were days when I was focused on "future gifts" and not thankful for what that day brought. But, there were more days where I saw God generously giving me Himself in unique, intimate ways, before YL ministry and work picked up.

I went to 2 weeks of intensive private Spanish lessons and learned the last step in Spanish grammar. I feel like I crossed a hurdle in learning Spanish. My teacher really helped me feel confident in my Spanish and I'm excited to be able to communicate with more "complex" sentences. Now all I need to do is practice, practice, practice!
Side note: God has given me more confirmation in the direction of pursing teaching Spanish in the public school system when I return to Texas. I have been taking classes online for my alternative teacher certification and I'm actually enjoying them! I dream about how I will set up my classroom and teach Spanish and execute classroom procedures. What a nerd :) There is a possibility I could get hired next fall if I pass tests and God wills it!

I also got to go on a day hike with some Vida Joven friends one random morning....

And Sydney, Saray and I spend last Sunday at the beach in Jaco! So thankful for these 2 dear friends of mine here in Costa Rica...

some of my recorded thanks gifts in the past 2 weeks....
1013. unwritten and unspoken gifts
1017. Yoga with Sydney and sore muscles
1018. Being the only gringa
1027. Costa Rican skateboarders in the park
1038. 2 buses, $10 taxi ride home and a walk uphill to hang out at a friends on a Saturday night
1042. First, fresh, white page on my new journal
1044. Crammed on a bus between 2 large ticos, "this is where I live moments"
1046. Giving apples to homeless people on my walk home, and the JOY that comes...
1053. crispy sun burnt skin in January
1060. trusting Christ amidst getting a traffic ticket
1062. rapping in my room until 10:30 p.m. practicing a skit for Thug Life Young Life club
1063. an extra FaceTime call just to say goodnight.

What is God giving you today to find Him in?

My next blog post will recap my first week of YL/WL club and campaigners of this semester and the upcoming weekend events of our student leader retreat and Super Bowl party!! Thanks for journeying with me!


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